RC05 - Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics


Dr. Carmen Navarro, Universidad Autonoma Madrid

Department of Political Science
Universidad Autonoma Madrid
Marie Curie 1
Madrid 28049



Dr. Jose Hernandez Bonivento, Universidad Austral de Chile

Campus Isla Teja
Universidad Austral de Chile
Los Laureles Nº 35 Interior

Dr. Fiona Anciano, University of the Western Cape

University of the Western Cape
Department of Political Studies
Robert Sobukwe Road
Cape Town, Western Cape 7535
South Africa


Board Members

Ivan Kopric, University Zagreb, Croatia, ikopric@pravo.hr
Anne Karin Holmen, University Stavanger, Norway, annkarin.holmen@uis.no
Eran Razin, Hebrew University, Israel, msrazin@mscc.huji.ac.il
Daniel Cravacuore, University Quilmes, Argentina, dcravacuore@unq.edu.ar
Angeles Huete, University Pablo Olavide Sevilla, Spain, mahuegar@upo.es
Silvia Bolgherini, University Perugia, Italy, silvia.bolgherini@unipg.it
Klaus Frey, Federal University ABC, Brasil, kfrey16@gmail.com
Filipe Teles, University Aveiro, Portugal, filipe.te.es@ua.pt
Andrew Matsiko, Makerere University, Uganda matsikoandrew@yahoo.com
Eiu Younk Kim, Seoul National University, South Korea, euiyoungkim@snu.ac.kr
Eduardo Jose Grin, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brasil, eduardo.grin@fgv.br



Recognised as research committee in 1972.


To map the current state of research on local government and politics worldwide;
To organize and maintain contacts among political scientists with common interests from around the world, especially among young scholars;
To provide a framework between individuals and organizations concerned with teaching and research in political and other social sciences.
To favor exchanges between the different continents and to support initiatives from political science communities around the world.
