RC06 - Political Sociology

Interim Chair & Treasurer

Mrs Lucia Miranda-Leibe, CISJU Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
CISJU Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez
Condell 1575
Santiago de Chile, RM 7750000



Robin Archer, r.archer@lse.ac.uk
Pedro Magalhães, pedro.magalhaes@ics.ulisboa.pt
Ä°sil Zeynep Turkan, isilturkan@gmail.com
Kasi Eswarappa kasie@igntu.ac.in
Chun-Chih Chang, stoicchang@gmail.com
Maricel Rodríguez Blanco, maricel.rblanco@gmail.com



Recognized as research committee in 1970; also recognized as a research committee of the International Sociological Association (RC18).



Brings together political scientists and sociologists in this highly diverse, empirically based field of study; promoting and this dynamic interdisciplinary exchange of scholars and ideas lies at the core of the CPS and determines its policies. The committee aims to establish a community of like–minded scholars, to facilitate communication and the dissemination of scientific research, and to increase the theoretical and practical significance of the field.

