RC20 - Political Finance and Political Corruption


Dr. Luís de Sousa, Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto de Ciências Sociais
Avenida Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt 9
Lisboa 1750-232


Dr. Guillaume Fontaine, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
Calle La Pradera E7-174 y Av. Diego de Almagro
Quito 170201


Dr Magnus Öhman, International Foundation for Electoral Studies

International Foundation for Electoral Studies
Regional Europe Office
Havlickovy sady 58
Prague 120 00
Czech Republic

Board Members

Fernanda Odilla, University of Bologna, fernanda.odilla@unibo.it

Joseph Poszgai-Alvarez, School of Human Sciences of Osaka University, jpozsgai@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp

Paulina Alvarado-Goldman, Capacity Building and Policy Experts, LLC, pgoldman@capacityexperts.com

Susana Coroado, University of Antwerp, Susana.DuarteCoroado@uantwerp.be

Ilona Wysmulek, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ilona.wysmulek@ifispan.edu.pl

Manuel Villoria, King Juan Carlos University, manuel.villoria@urjc.es

Oguzhan Dincer, Illinois State University, odincer@ilstu.edu

Pablo Ariel Cabas, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, pabloarielcabas@gmail.com

Mónika Bancsina, Max-Weber-Institut für Soziologie, University of Heidelberg, monika.bancsina@mwi.uni-heidelberg.de

Luc Juillet, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, ljuillet@uottawa.ca

Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University Business School and DCU Anti-Corruption Research Centre, robert.gillanders@dcu.ie

Emilia Kowalewska, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, e.kowalewska4@uw.edu.pl


Recognised as a study group in 1976; granted research committee status in 1979.


Studies the role of money in the political process and in social interaction with public authorities, including all aspects of campaign and party financing in political systems around the world, transnational payments aiming at the proliferation of democratic government as well as corruption in all its manifestations in individual and governmental behaviour.

Members of the research committee cooperate in developing concepts for the analysis of political finance and corruption in politics and administration as well as interactions between them. The committee aims to advance cross-national research and to encourage comparative analysis. Current emphasis on expansion of the committee’s field of research is targeting the Latin American region.
