Marcelo Varnoux Garay in Memoriam (1964-2016)

Marcelo Varnoux Garay in Memoriam (1964-2016)

Publication date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016

We are saddened to announce that Dr. Marcelo Varnoux Garay, the founder of the Bolivian Association of Political Science, passed away in August. On behalf of the and the global political science community, our condolences go to his family and the Bolivian Association of Political Science.

Dr. Marcelo Varnoux Garay had a degree in Political Science from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Master of Political Science from the University of San Simón, Cochabamba. He had expertise in analysis of the Bolivian Political System. He was a member of the Latin American Network for Studies on the Quality of Democracy and professor at the University of San Andrés. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the University “Nuestra Señora de La Paz”. Dr. Garay founded the Bolivian Association of Political Science (ABCP) in 2002 and was its President and CEO. He was also columnist for La Paz daily “La Prensa”.

He wrote several books:  Building Democracy: Opinion Studies Socio - Politics in the cities of La Paz and El Alto (2000); Bolivia: Visions of the Future (2002); Youth, Citizens? Plural Editors (2003); Principles and Values of Democracy: Toward Building a Democratic Culture (2006) fifth edition 2011. The Quality of Democracy in Bolivia (from 2010 to 2015).

He also wrote several articles in journals of Bolivia and abroad. First Prize in the National Contest of Political Essay "Dr. Julio Alberto Cossio D'Avis and Hector Salinas " sponsored by Libreria Editorial "Amigos del Libro" and the Latin American Institute of Social Research ( ILDIS ) 1997.